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Maybe you were like me; 

  • Overwhelmed!

  • Full of Fear!

  • Not Focused on Anything!

  • Barely making it through the day!

This was me 10 years ago: I was not consistent in anything. I had major anxiety and also I struggled with depression and anger. During this time, I had a 3-year-old Son, no college degree, I was living paycheck to paycheck, had no sense of direction about life's next steps, and I knew Jesus (so I thought.)
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Then what made it even more annoying, is that I grew up hearing about purpose, but struggled with finding it! 

To be honest, you feel like you are going through life doing the same thing day after day, trust me I get it! 

 You're following the "rules":

  • You go to church every Wednesday and Sunday

  • You serve your family, church, and community

  • You have all types of study bibles and devotionals that you read

  • You're crushing every goal you set

  • You're Praying and journaling

  • You're listening to "millions" of sermons and podcasts

  • You're eating healthy and working out

  • and you're drinking your water and MINDING YOUR BUSINESS

I see you, sis! 

Even after all that, you are still unclear about what your purpose is, where to find it, and how to get it from the Lord!

Hear me out, girl I've been in your shoes. I know you have questions that need answers. If you had someone to come alongside you and Jesus on this journey of uncovering your purpose you would: 

  •  Go through life CONFIDENTLY knowing who you are, why Jesus created you, and WHAT you were born to do...

  • You would stop starting things that add no value to your life and finish the things that do...

  • You would have peace about life's next steps...

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The Truth is...

  • You've binged on ALL of Pastor Mike Todd's and Sarah Jake Roberts's podcasts, sermons, and books because they leave you feeling inspired, encouraged, and knowing you have a purpose, but you still don't know where to start like I did.

  • You have a TON of hobbies, gifts, and skills, but the frustrating part of not knowing what to do with it all, makes you stop before you start.

  • You KNOW there has to be more to life than the same routine you've been doing for years, and you are absolutely RIGHT.

If you are ready to commit to uncovering, embracing, and living an unapologetic, purpose-driven life; let's take the journey together...

The 29:11

An experience that will take you from a cycle of searching into a lifestyle full of clarity, confidence, and PURPOSE..exactly how the Lord created you to live!!!

Let's take a look inside
It's time to say "yes" to being committed, intentional, and focused on uncovering your purpose the 29:11 Way. Once you join, you will receive the exclusive "Purpose Playbook" live 29:11 purpose sessions, and V.I.P access to the "Purpose Nation" Community- no need to worry about getting behind or being too busy to keep up,

Instant Access to ALL 8 live Purpose Sessions
Get ready to access all live 29:11 live purpose sessions. Learn the 29:11 method at your own pace; while also gaining clarity and confidence along the way. Oh! and don't worry if you miss a session...ALL sessions will be recorded!

Top Tier Worksheets and an interactive " Purpose Playbook"
Our premier Purpose Playbook will help guide you through each phase of  The 29:11 Effect, as well as, fillable worksheets  that will assist you with each module and help you be intentional about your

Instant Access to the "Purpose Nation" Community!
 This private Facebook community is all about building relationships that aid in the constant evolution of you as a person while on your journey with purpose! Safe people NEED safe spaces!

The Modules

Inside each phase of The 29:11 Method, you will explore the barriers to purpose and how to replace them with practical truths that can push you deeper into your purpose.

 Module 1: In this module on Identity and Self-Awareness, you will learn: where your identity comes from, discover how to become more self-aware, and the tactics the deceiver uses to trick you out of what's already yours.

 Module 2: We will unpack deep-rooted insecurities, silence the lies that fuel them, and identify the holes in our minds that keep us stagnant in our journey of purpose.

 Module 3: Self-sabotage is a thief and at this point, it's time to kill the enemy WITHIN! In the module, we will unpack 5 ways that Self-sabotage can destroy the purpose the Lord placed on the inside of you! *Let me give you a hint...Imposter Syndrome!*

 Module 4: Fear and anxiety are a sign that trauma is at work in our minds! If we don't get rid of these toxic traits then we will always see life through the lenses of fear and anxiety. In this module, we will discover 3 ways to FACE the FEARS that keep us stuck and apply the Lord's method on how to combat fear with truth. 

  Module 5Prayer and the Word of God are the core of Purpose, but sometimes building these muscles can be overwhelming! So, in this module, we will go through different tools that can help you cultivate a personal healthy relationship with God, intentionally.

 Module 6Hearing the correct voice is a NECESSITY. In this module, we will define how vital it is to Hear the voice of God when pursuing purpose! We will talk about the attributes of the Lord's Voice, your voice, the enemy's voice, and how to tell the difference between the three.

Hey, I'm Char'meka Danielle.

I'm a boy mom, author, publisher, podcaster, and founder of the 29:11 Effect where I share my journey, ups and downs, with uncovering purpose while coaching other young women, like you, to do the same! I know how you feel, I know firsthand how empty it is to live a purposeless life! I searched for happiness and inner peace in any and everything because I did not know who I was or what I was created to do. I tried it all relationships, jobs, and even wanted to RELOCATE, but NOTHING satisfied what I was longing for the most and that was a sense of PURPOSE! That all changed when God walked me through Jeremiah 29:11 for two years and from that point until now I have been living in the 29:11 Effect!

I'm a unique thought leader who focuses on purpose and fostering an intentional relationship with Jesus, as I believe they are intricately connected. I don't conform to the typical thought leader mold. My passionate, fiery approach, coupled with practical tools, will not only inspire you to uncover your purpose within but also guide you toward the individual truths and promises that only Jesus can provide. Whether you explore my eBook, "Naked but Covered: The Journey to Destiny Requires the Real You," listen to my podcast, "The Social Gathering Podcast," read my blogs in the "OneMic" collective, or you are a client of my publishing company, " Pen My Purpose Publishing & Co." you'll find that living a Purpose-FULL life is not an overnight job but requires openness, honesty, and a willingness to put in the work but guess what you don't have to do it alone, instead let's do it together

The 29:11

We got you, sis! 

Thanks for subscribing!

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