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Scared vs Real

I’ve been doing some self-evaluations; You know, actually listening to the things God wants me to get rid of ( and actually getting rid of them) because I refuse to be a public sucess and a failure in God's eyes. Let me say, these conversations have not been a one-way street. I’ve been at home, so, I’m not too tired, I’m not too busy, and have all the time in the world……God has me right where he wants me.

I mean we really are in the best place right now; If we are using our time wisely. Some of us are using the time of quarantine to launch businesses, write books, and invest in our future. While others maybe resting, enjoying their children, and catching up on their favorite shows. Both categories are good, but we must not forget about God in it all. So I've been doing a little renovation to my soul to ensure that I am changing for real and not just because my decisions left me taking a MAJOR L and the cosequences are unbearable....So, lets go on a journey together!

What is scared change? Its change based on emotions but lacks real conviction! It’s that “I’m good for the moment stuff”. Come on y’all we’ve all been there and said, “Lord if you get me out of (insert your kryptonite) I promise I won’t do it anymore.” And don’t get me wrong we really do be sincere about not doing it….IN THE MOMENT but deep down on the inside its still there waiting for an opportunity to reappear. Most times this happens because most of the time we strive to overcome our sinful nature in our own strength, without accountability, the word of God, and Holy Spirit but fail miserably every time.

Wheeeew chile…….

What is REAL change? This is the way holy spirit broke it down to me: It is the willingness to listen, obey, and practice self-control constantly. It’s a heart thing. It’s when you love God so much that the very thought of hurting him; crushes you! Let’s take our natural relationships for example; when you really love someone you never intentionally want to hurt, disappoint, or fail them. That’s how God wants our hearts and lives to be for him. Our love and devotion for God makes us want to change and STAY changed. It’s not out of obligation…Its out of love, honor, and respect we have for him.

We all had a choice in salvation. Nobody made us do it. We encountered Jesus in a life changing way, but it doesn’t stop there. We must continually transform how we think, stay in constant interaction with God through prayer, his word, stay around people that hold us accountable, and LISTEN to holy spirit because Jesus left him here to help us navigate life.

We all have a purpose given by God that we must fulfill. God takes no pleasure seeing us perish but IT’S OUR DECISION to be committed to following him. We got to much on the line to straddle the fence; and I’ve realized during this time that God has really drawn a line in the sand, and when this is all over there will be a distinction of those that are really for God and those that are playing. I know everybody reading this will be on the God side but if you are unsure……. Use your time wisely and allowing Holy spirit to transform you for God’s Glory.

I Love you

Char’meka Danielle


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