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The Car

Fear is a JERK and has a funny way of driving your life if you let it! The car fear traps you in seems to never stop! Nothing is ever stable or constant. You pick up one thing: while heading to the next. And Lord forbid you pick up the wrong thing along the way. There was once a time when my life was in constant go mode. Not because I wanted it to be but because I was so scared to stop long enough to let God heal and heal me. Listen, if “she’s a runner, she’s a track star” was a person; you were looking at her. I stood wholeheartedly with the phrase “out of sight, out of mind” but that was a huge lie!

I remembered, how long it took me to reunite with my family after being estranged for two years. I had a journal full of all the things I was going to do when I disconnected from those people. I had prepared for these days. I was here! It wasn’t a dream, I was free, but I was very afraid. All I could think was, What was next for me? Who could I talk to about what I’ve been through? Would my family accept me back? Would my son accept me back? These thoughts left me paralyzed for months.

I had been going back and forth for months about this. I did everything but that. I drove 45 minutes to my parents’ house, pulled up, and left. I would call my mom and when she answered the words left me and I hung up. I stalked their Facebook page planning what time was the right time. Fear was in full effect; like the enemy wanted it to be! Until the Lord said, “Just Call”. Sounds simple but it took me a whole eight-hour shift to call my parents and have a conversation. Oh, but when I did it was nothing like what fear painted it to be! They embraced me with the same love, care, protection they had always given. And I can’t even put into words the embrace I felt from my son when he finally saw me! The love I received from them was overwhelming and to think fear wanted me to forfeit that.

There are moments in our lives that keep us in constant movement. No real stability or Permanency to who we are or where we are going. Just blank walls and thoughts of what’s next. Never compelled to “enjoy” the moment and just breath. It’s the equivalent of nomadic life; Taking pieces into the next. Leaving no real trail of legacy, memories, or value. This kind of life doesn’t connect to anything because everything and everyone is fluid.

Sometimes our lives become like a revolving door! In one day and out the next!

Fear is always the driver of this type of lifestyle and wants to rob you of blossoming into who God truly wants us to be. The devil's job is to steal from us, kill us, and ultimately destroy us from ever living an abundant life! Running from life circumstances, our past trauma, and our mental anguish is just the distractions the enemy wants us to focus on, but if you're open to stopping the car I can promise you the life you experience will be worth living. Remember God NEVER gave you the spirit of fear, BUT he did give you POWER, LOVE, AND A SOUND MIND.....

Excerpt From Upcoming eBook "Naked but Cover"! By Char'meka Danielle


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