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Plans, Purpose, God, and You!

So in March 2020 smack dab at the brink of a pandemic, I decided to trash all the plans I made for myself, and start fresh with the Holy Spirit. It was probably one of the greatest and scariest decisions I made outside of salvation, and guess what? I only had two scriptures to hold on to with dear life.

For months prior, I had been trying to get back disciplined. Not that I wasn't but I could tell I had fallen off in certain areas. I tried putting myself on a daily schedule, and yeah it worked for a little bit but then that flopped too.

I tried EVERYTHING but I felt like something was missing. It was annoying! I still felt tired, overwhelmed and that was because I filled my day with stuff that didn't matter. Truthfully, None of it brought God glory and didn't add value to me either.

I know society teaches us that the busier we are the better. But what I'm realizing is that being busy with meaningless things is a sign of no vision. And we all know that where there is no vision people perish.

So I said you know what I'm going to apply Proverbs 16:3 and Jeremiah 29:11. Then, I pull out a notebook, and at the top of every sheet of paper, I asked a simple yet powerful question: Lord, What are your plans for me in each specific area I was seeking guidance and instruction in. Now, I was reminded very quickly that this would require PATIENCE and another level of SURRENDERANCE (I know, we hate that word!) However, It's not a microwave process, it's a lifelong journey, that requires us to be solely led by GOD!

Fam, After I grasped that concept, I made it my BUSINESS to commit to the plans GOD has for my life. I vowed to be obedient to every instruction. Then, I BELIEVED in my heart that the Lord would establish every promise and plan concerning ME just like he said!

No, the pages of my notebook aren't full yet (now Big G is flexing for your girl) but I have so much peace and freedom letting God plan my life. Sometimes, we think we know what God wants for us but it's stuff we want for ourselves! I get it, this concept may be too simple for the "already perfect" saints but when the light bulb comes on for me I MUST SHARE in hopes of helping ONE person.

So let God build your life because your gonna end in places bigger than our little natural mind could ever think if you do! It is not too late; get your notebook out, go in a quiet space, and talk to your father. He's waiting and has every answer you need!

I love you!


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